Sophistry, as defined by Ambrose Bierce (The Devil’s Dictionary), is “the controversial method of an opponent, distinguished from one's own by superior insincerity and fooling.” It forms the basis for what we would call today, being “sophisticated.” Comcast rates high on the sophistication meter, if they didn’t they certainly would not be where they are today. See Money Blog below.
So it’s no surprise that Andrew Johnson, Vice President of Communications for Comcast would say “It’s like Contra Costa County is one big doughnut and Walnut Creek is the hole.” That’s sophisticated Andrew, but are we talking Dunkin Doughnuts or Krispy Kreme? And the last time I looked, not every doughnut has a hole, so there goes that doughnut analogy.
Seven cities in Contra Costa County California formed a consortium to negotiate a cable franchise agreement with Comcast. Those negotiations have drug out almost six years. Seems they are really close to finalizing, but as usual Comcast is being stingy over the PEG channels. They want to hand them over to the cities to run without providing adequate funding and Walnut Creek, among others is balking at the deal. Comcast is also refusing to build an I-Net for local government and the schools.
Concord Mayor Laura Hoffmeister nailed it, “It’s almost like they’re setting us up to fail.”
Johnson says Comcast is on the side of the customers and the customers don’t want PEG, but the cities own surveys indicate that PEG is a vital resource. This little factoid would prove that Johnson is “superior” in his insincerity and fooling, a gift that could earn him the title of “Sophisticate Royale.”
A local competitor, Astound, has offered not only an I-Net but also hasn’t complained about running the PEG channels for Walnut Creek. I guess those guys fell off the turnip truck yesterday because they certainly could use some lessons from their more worldly competition, the ever dapper Comcast Corporation.
But those high-tone Philly boys better be careful not to strut their stuff too ambitiously. In 2002 they got nailed by the City of Oakland in an out of court settlement that required them to pay Oakland $17.4 million for taking over the PEG channels. Oakland, you contraire gal, you deserve the all time “Tres Chic” award. No doughnut holes there, Oakland is a fine Éclair! Hey that rhymes!
Paul Valle-Riestra, Senior Assistant City Attorney for Walnut Creek, sets the record straight, “There is no correlation between PEG channels and customer rates. Once you’ve made your initial investment, cable systems are total cash cows.”
The question I have about these cows is who exactly is being milked? It doesn’t take too much sophistication to figure that one out.
Source: East Bay Business Times, "Comcast may end six-year franchise fight," Eric Lai, 02/04/2005.