Just in case you don't open up the comments at the end of my post...from Zane Blaney, ED of Access San Francisco...in the "You Gotta Be Frickin Kidding Me" Category of Comments...
Zane Blaney, Access SF E.D. has left a new comment on your post "DIVCA’s Chickens Come Home to Roost":
The SF Franchise Fee is about $8 million. Since the 1980's the City has set aside .2% of the 5% for PEG. Today that's $360,000 which is divided three ways between the PEG channels, thus, the $120,000 for public access. The rest goes into the General Fund. The $120,000 is about what it costs to pay the bills for the building. There is no staff at that level.Millions are coming for capital, but only $120,000 for ops.
That's why Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi has introduced a resolution urging the SF Congressional and State Legislative delegations to reform PEG funding. That reso is directed at Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer. It will be heard in a SF Committee on Monday, Feb. 23 and by the Full Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, March 3rd. This is the first time a California city has taken the initiative to fight back at DIVCA. All the fun facts and info are available at
http://accessf.org/soscoalition/ Join the SOS Coalition!

1 comment:
"2% of the 5% for PEG. Today that's $360,000 which is divided three ways between the PEG channels, thus, the $120,000 for public access. The rest goes into the General Fund." That is pitiful. Municipalities should not exploit PEG channels in such a way.
"That's why Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi has introduced a resolution"
It is about time I heard at least one other voice calling for a new public access act.
The muni's are as bad as the cable and phone companies. Muni's and their government channels too often exploit franchise revenues at the expense of Public Access stations by keeping money intended for public access while throwing Public Access only a few scraps.
When it comes to supporting Public Access maybe it is a good idea to bypass muni's too.
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